Chevron Wealth Preservation

Is Social Media Right for Me? A Few Things to Consider

You own your own business and would like to spread the good word about your services and your level of expertise. Great idea! Have you considered promoting your business on social media? A fast and effective (did we mention free?) way to show your current and potential customers who you are, social media can help you connect and build those long-lasting relationships.

But is social media right for you and your business? There are certainly a few things to consider…

Where are my current and potential customers?

Are your customers online? Are they even on social media? If so, which platforms do they visit and where exactly can you reach, connect and engage with them - for example, are they on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter? Essentially, you want to be where your customers are, so be sure to find out which social platforms they frequent and make your business visible (don’t forget interesting and informative!) there.

Where is my competition?

Are your business competitors on a social media platform, but you’re not? If your competitors are active on social media and you’re nowhere to be found, you may be missing out on valuable opportunities to connect and engage with your ideal clients. And the fact is that if you’re not there, your competitors will surely benefit from that – don’t give them the upper hand!

How is my business unique?

Once you have determined where your customers and competition are, now is the time to identify your unique value or specialty. If what you have to offer, your business process, your specialty and knowledge can be communicated through this mode of modern marketing, then go for it. You have something special to offer and it should be shared online.

Where should I communicate?

Think about what makes the most sense for your business – should you be on social media like LinkedIn or Facebook? Should you write a blog or create a podcast? The most important thing to consider here is which platform can deliver your message in the clearest and most effective way to your ideal audience.

What content should I share?

Think about what you want to communicate to your audience – do you have enough and the right content to share? Can you create your own content (hey, how about a video?) or do you have another rich source for content? It’s not enough to just exist on digital platforms, you need to have interesting, entertaining, informative and/or thought-provoking content to share with your audience. You have the attention of your audience… what are you going to wow them with?

What tools and resources do I need/have to implement my marketing strategy?

You’re busy, you have a fast-paced business to run and can’t be spending your precious time on social media. That’s fair, but digital marketing is still important so what tools and resources do you have that will make these tasks easier and more efficient for you to action? For example, can you implement tools to schedule your social media posts in advance? Save yourself some time (and stress!) by getting the right tools to help you manage your online presence.

How often should I post?

Well, first things first – you need to be consistent with your posting. But consistent may not mean the same thing for each platform. For example, consistency on one platform may entail posting twice a day, while consistency on another platform sees you posting once a week or even once a month. It really depends on the nature of that particular platform, your audience and what type of content you are promoting.

How do I transition potential customers into active clients?

The next item to consider is, do you have a system or process in place that allows you to transition prospects from social media to your business sales funnel? You don’t own Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram, so you’re going to want to move your customer from those platforms into your business ecosystem. Do you have your own platform and how are you going to get them there? Some ideas to consider are an email list or a CRM (Customer Relationship Management). You can also encourage your audience to opt-in to your email list by hosting an educational webinar, offering a free consultation or providing a free resource to download. No matter what tools or resources you use, the most important thing is that you move your audience from social media into a system that you can control.

What are my objectives and goals?

And lastly, it’s vital to think about what your objectives and goals are for your social media presence. Have a plan, understand your objectives and visualize what success looks like for you and your business. Having this awareness will help you make wiser business decisions and help you navigate your business on social media strategically, rather than just posting when you remember.

For more information on the wonderful world of modern marketing, read Building Connections Through Direct Response Marketing… More Than Just Social Media and Social Media Platforms – What You Need to Know.