Chevron Wealth Preservation

Resources to help preserve your memories!

In today’s digital world, all of life’s beautiful moments can be captured in abundance as photos, videos and messages stored locally on your phone or computer or posted up in the “cloud” to share the joy broadly on social media at the touch of a button. Have you considered how to best protect those precious memories?

Most social media platforms have terms and conditions keeping accounts private and making it difficult, if not all out impossible, for family members to access these accounts when loved ones pass on. The good news is that social media providers have put new tools in place so that you can plan and manage how you wish your loved ones to access your accounts when you are no longer here.

STEP (the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) has made it easier to safeguard and share your memories with future generations by providing useful guides to help you update your legacy settings on your digital accounts and talk to your family and friends about the importance of preserving these digital memories.

Be sure to protect your digital legacy so that great memories can live forever.

For more information on digital assets, read our previous post: Protecting Your Digital Assets and watch our short video SMART TALK… about digital assets. And be sure to contact us if you have any questions!